Two people an hour rat-out another Rhode Islander for gathering too close or with too many people
On Easter, April 12 2020, during a 2-hour span of listening to nearly all police chatter throughout Rhode Island, two people on average reported a gathering of too many people, or people who were standing too close to each other.
The Rhody Report broadcast the breaking news updates as follows:
Incident 1: 94 Filmore St. Providence 6 -7 kids committing the crime of playing on playground approximately 11:30 AM
Incident 2: 1280 Broad St. Providence clerk calls police for the crime of a crowd gathering in front of Family Dollar Store approximately 11:50 AM
Incident 3: 1982 Warwick Ave. Warwick passerby narks out 10 cars in parking lot approximately 1:25 PM
Incident 4: 5 calls to nark out “Large group of bikers in the parking lot all STANDING TOO CLOSE” on West Shore Road, approximately 12:55 PM
Is this the new normal? How long will Rhode Islanders allow this to continue? How much liberty is worth our security?