BREAKING: Organizing flyer circulating in Rhode Island imply fascists, leftist, Democrat adult children will be back to their Marxist & destructive ways on January 20th

A leaflet is circulating across Rhode Island indicating that the leftists of Rhode Island will be “taking to the streets” of the Ocean State in protest of the Trump election on January 20th. Although the leaflet does not, in any way, imply violence, anyone who has paid attention to the actions of these people over the last decade knows when leftist adult children take to the streets, it is seldom done like mature adults acting only to make their voice heard.

Predictably and ironically, the flyer starts with the phrase, “Money for people’s needs, not the war machine” . . . Underscoring the Marxists roots of the modern Democrat party as well as an ironic statement that they do not wish to feed the “war machine.” Leftist, who threw tens of thousands of young Americans into the meat grinders of Vietnam and the Korean Wars, as well as the clear warmongering of the Biden Administration, are protesting against Trump, a leader who did not start, nor initiate the participation in wars or conflicts, and brought more peace to our world over his first term than we’ve seen in generations.

The left side of the flyer, of course, lists the special interests they represent; which predictably are all those interests who would accept any organization, no matter its overarching lack of morality, as long as such organizations stake a claim to their agenda:

  • Marxist “Black Liberation”
  • “Woman’s Rights” (i.e. pro-abortionists)
  • The LGBTQ Mafia

To the right of the leaflet we have advocacy against American sovereignty, and just vanilla propaganda, with the listing of “immigrant rights,” “indigenous liberation,” and “worker’s (sic) rights.”

Last but not least, and the REAL indication of the backers of this event and the evil, anti-freedom, un-American philosophy they uphold, the flyer reads, “For a free Palestine.”

If this was the first time “Rhode Islanders” were advocating in favor of the Palestinian movement, it would simply raise an eyebrow, but watch this video from four years ago . . . why would supposed “Rhode Islanders” who are allegedly concerned about police brutality, be chanting about Palestine?

Watch this video to the end:

Walk the streets of Rhode Island and ask random strangers if they can point out Palestine on a map, and you’re guaranteed to learn that exactly ZERO of them can.

More information can be found on leftist crackpot Steve Ahlquist’s site:

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